July 3, 2024

July 3, 2024



le Cave

le Cave

Summer Madness & Welcome to Direcotr Jon Walley!

Poking our our heads out of the cave to wish you all a happy summer, grab some sunshine, a ball game, fireworks backed by a slamming Aaron Copeland soundtrack, and generally conjure up vibes like this classic of American advertising.

(BTW, we were this many years old when we learned that that leathery voiceover was delivered by none other than the great Robert Mitchum!)

Since the summer is waiting and the grill is just getting up to temp, we'll keep it brief and share the exciting bit of news that Jon Walley has joined the C76 Director roster!

We’re beyond proud to welcome Jon to the Cave.

A dyed-in-the-wool storyteller and thoughtful creative leader whose careful style and attention to detail make his work truly special. 

Be sure to watch the teaser for his recent short "A Walk With Richard"

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